Travel Compositor will allow to work 4 days per week

Travel Compositor redoubles its commitment to the quality of life of its employees by joining the trend of 4 working days

In the last fortnightly meeting of the entire team, Manuel Aragonés, CEO of Travel Compositor announced the latest measure of the ALL FOR TEAM (A4T) project, which has been adding improvements in the company’s facilities and in the services included for employees for several years, such as breakfast and lunch included, the play area and the daily time for leisure, the economic bonuses for having children, the five weeks of work remote a year, the conciliation options, or the physiotherapy services, now, the option of working only 4 days a week has been added.

The Mallorcan technology company becomes one of the first on the island to propose this measure to all its employees.

From October, and on a quarterly basis, the whole team will have the possibility to decide to reduce their working day from 5 to 4 working days. Workers will be able to enjoy Friday and/or Monday as the third consecutive weekly day off. Each department, depending on its needs and the staff aimed at the reduction, will establish the extra days off and possible new hires, so that it can maintain its services to customers and its constant development and innovation, in the usual way. In case of choosing 4 days, each worker will stop working only 10% since he will go on to do 9 hours a day each of those days, while that decision will only affect them economically a deduction of 8% in the gross salary.

In addition, in parallel and to further encourage their choice, TravelC will reward with half an extra pay during the next quarter, on account of the distribution of profits of the year 2022 (TravelC distributes each year 20% of its profits among the entire team) and that would normally be done in March 2023, and avoid a reduction in the purchasing power of the initial employees.

Another objective pursued by this decision is to further increase the workforce that, together with the recent opening of the new offices of Travel Compositor in Mexico, continues to grow organically since its birth.

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