Travel Compositor - The Holistic System by TravelSoft
Tripplanner: Travel Compositor’s new patent that once again revolutionizes tailor-made travel planning  

Tripplanner: Travel Compositor’s new patent that once again revolutionizes tailor-made travel planning  

The new engine of the Mallorcan technology company, with totally new flows and designs and which groups 4 engines in one and allows you to mix all types of trips in a single session, marks a before and after in the industry as a multi-planner of tailor-made trips
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Discover the new features of our last version

Discover the new features of our last version

TravelC 10.2 Highlights:   Front Improvements:   Back Office Improvements   ______________________________________________________________________   Providers & Integrations: What’s New & Improvements  Do you
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Travelsoft Group launches its second StartUpContest, offering up to €250,000 in prizes

Travelsoft Group launches its second StartUpContest, offering up to €250,000 in prizes

   Palma, Spain, April 2nd, 2024 – Travelsoft Group, the European leader in travel SaaS comprising the renowned brands Orchestra, Traffics, and Travel Compositor, is proud to announce the launch of its second StartUp Contest. With prizes worth up to
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Discover the new features of our last version

Discover the new features of our last version

______________________________________________________________________  Do you want to know more?  Contact us!  +34 971 557 243 
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Travel Compositor launches AI Trips

Travel Compositor launches AI Trips

AI Trips is a Travel Booking engine that revolutionizes trip planning and booking with artificial intelligence. At an event held in Cancun on June 14, the European technology company, part of the Travel Soft holding company, announced the launch of a re
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Travel Compositor launches MO: The last mile app for all its customers

Travel Compositor launches MO: The last mile app for all its customers

Travel Compositor in partnership with MOGU, the winner of TravelC start up’s 2022 competition and strategic investor, has developed this last mile application. The more than 2 million annual travelers who currently reserve their vacations or business trips
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We are once revolutionising tailor-made plannig

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