It is time to support the Peace

At Travel Compositor we had always thought that work should not be mixed with politics, but a war goes far beyond politics

At Travel Compositor we had always thought that work should not be mixed with politics, but a war goes far beyond politics, it affects our lives, our jobs, the present history and the future of our families and our world. We thought that this would no longer happen in the 21st century, that something as unacceptable as what we are seeing these days would never happen again. It is no longer the time to stay at side. It is time to support the Peace and act against those who do not respect it and represent everything that seems inadmissible to us.
For this reason we have decided to make it easier and actively support all customers who use our platform so that they can ban Russia and Belarus and all their destinations from their Travel C platforms and also today we will launch a small banner that It can be located in each home of each of the 400 travel sales pages that we have distributed in 45 countries, where they can show solidarity with Ukraine and at the same time clarify that they have erased all travel options to and from the countries they are attacking or supporting this war.
We believe that it is not enough to say that tourism is with the Peace, tourism and travel technology can and should contribute their grain of sand and show whoever crosses the limits that they will find us in front of their disgusting play.