Marketplace 2.0 now available

The Marketplace is the TravelC module that allows the buying and selling of product uploaded in the Contracts section between TravelC operators.

In this section of the Back Office you can control which TravelC operators you want to sell to and which ones you want to buy products from in the Marketplace. Apart from the explanation of this Contracts section, here you will find a detailed explanation of how the Marketplace works.

What advantages can you draw from this?

Realise multi-channel and multi-market distribution:

Distribute your product in B2C and B2B channels and in more than 40 markets.

Consolidate and distribute the product uploaded by your chosen suppliers to whom you have given a password to log in via extranet and upload their product.

Synergise your product upload and maintenance costs by concentrating more sales on them. It saves financial transaction costs by bundling all sales and receipts and all purchases and payments into a single exchange and monthly transfer, avoiding dozens of transfers and the fees they entail.

How to use the Marketplace?

The products currently available for sale and purchase through the Marketplace are 4: Transport, Tickets, Transfers and Hotels

The TravelC operator can acquire a role of supplier (selling its product through the Marketplace), customer (buying product through the Marketplace) or both. In the following diagram, the complete flow of the Marketplace is shown:

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