Travel Compositor - The Holistic System by TravelSoft
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Features of our last version 10.4

Características de nuestra última versión 10.4

Highlights  Front Improvements  Back Office Improvements.  Suppliers and Integrations: What’s New and Improvements  ____________________________________________________________  Do you want to know more?  Contact us!   sales@trav
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TC 4 BUSINESS TRAVEL. Leading leisure B2B booking engine Travel Compositor launches tech solution for TMCs 

TC 4 BUSINESS TRAVEL. Travel Compositor, motor de reservas B2B líder en el sector del ocio, lanza una solución tecnológica para agencias de viajes de negocios 

Spain-based Travel Compositor, a leading provider of booking engine solutions for online leisure travel sellers, today announced that it is launching a technology  solution for Travel Management Companies (TMCs) called “TC 4 BUSINESS TRAVEL”. Responding
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Tripplanner: Travel Compositor’s new patent that once again revolutionizes tailor-made travel planning  

Tripplanner: La nueva patente de Travel Compositor que revoluciona otra vez la planificación de viajes a medida  

El nuevo motor de la tecnológica mallorquina, con flujos y diseños totalmente novedosos y que agrupa 4 motores en uno y permite mezclar todo tipo de viajes en una sola sesión, marca un antes y un después en la industria como multi planificador de viajes a medida
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Discover the new features of our last version

Descubre las novedades de nuestra última versión

TravelC 10.2 Highlights:   Front Improvements:   Back Office Improvements   ______________________________________________________________________   Providers & Integrations: What’s New & Improvements  Do you
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Travelsoft Group launches its second StartUpContest, offering up to €250,000 in prizes

Travelsoft Group lanza su segundo concurso StartUp Contest, que ofrece hasta 250.000 euros en premios

   Palma, Spain, April 2nd, 2024 – Travelsoft Group, the European leader in travel SaaS comprising the renowned brands Orchestra, Traffics, and Travel Compositor, is proud to announce the launch of its second StartUp Contest. With prizes worth up to
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What do our customers think about Travel Compositor? 

¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes sobre Travel Compositor? 

In Travel Compositor, every year we eagerly await the arrival of FITUR, one of the most important tourism fairs in the world and one of the ones where we meet most with customers, suppliers, and friends of the industry.   As every year, we organized our MEET
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Una vez más revolucionando la planificación de viajes a medida

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